It is always fun when I have the opportunity to chat with other agents I admire. Today I got to catch up with April Adams, an expert real estate Agent, East of the mountains in Moses Lake. Whether you are looking for a second  home, are a first time home buyer, or would like a slower pace of living for retirement, April is the person to chat with about everything in Moses Lake, Grant County.

April has been an Agent in Washington for over 15 years, starting in Tacoma. Four years ago she and her husband found themselves as soon to be empty nester’s with their daughter headed off to college. Owning a vacation property in Moses Lake they took the plunge to move there permanently and haven’t regretted it for a single moment!

*photo courtesy of*

Moses Lake, a short 2.5 hour drive from the hustle and bustle of Seattle is known for their sunny days, outdoor activities year round, agriculture, and wine tasting. Along with a slower pace of living in a thriving, more affordable market it’s easy to see why April and her husband moved there.

During her time in Moses Lake, April has watched it grow to a population of over 40,000 making it the largest city in the Grant County. Her clients range from first time home buyers, job relocation, clients moving up to a larger home, and retiree’s looking to downsize. With an average home price of $215,000 it truly is affordable for all!

Moses Lake downtown core is booming. With new businesses popping up every year, and annual events like their Brews and Tunes, or downtown Wine Walks there’s plenty to do. You can enjoy local favorite restaurants such as Michael’s On The Lake, or listen to one of April’s favorite bands at the local pub, Free Beer Nuts.

Let’s not forget about the wineries! There are plenty of local wineries in and around the surrounding area so it was fitting that April and her husband used 3 acres of their property and planted Cab Franc and Chardonnay grapes. Selling their grapes to local wineries like Beaumont Cellars, in Quincy, and Camas Cove.

If you, or someone you know is looking to make a move East of the mountains, April is your gal! To follow her updated listings follow her on Facebook. For local resources, set up an appointment, or general questions about the area check out her website.

