Branding and Lifestyle photography are 2 big buzz words right now. As business owners, how do we stand out? We know it’s about more than a logo, but breaking it down and implementing in a meaningful way can be tricky. It’s best not to go it alone. Kelsey Kurtis, Branding Educator is the perfect person to help you with that. Specializing in Branding, Lifestyle Branding Photography, and Author of “The Connection Method, she is passionate about helping her clients connect with their audience to build their brand and their business.

I’ve worked with Kelsey, and I can tell you first hand – she’s amazing! Kelsey breaks it down better than anyone else I’ve ever worked with before. She makes it easy to understand AND implement.

When people think of brand management they often think they need to own a business to need this type of service – Kelsey says that’s not true! The whole concept around Connection-Based Branding is “about connecting with yourself first so you can best connect with others”.⁣ Having a defined foundation of who you are will help you stand out with confidence, and act out of  intentionality, not impulsivity – think of her as your ‘unapologetic cheerleader’ for you!

As far back as age 11 Kelsey started her first business as a jewelry importer, and was hooked on the idea of being her own boss. Some of the greatest lessons she learned from her Grandfather was- “focus on genuinely connecting with your customers, it’s not about what you are selling but about the story, YOUR story”. This sparked her idea for the concept and book The Connection Method – introducing a new perspective on branding through a 360 degree lens, that focuses on bringing humanity back to business.

You are a brand, even if you don’t own a business. The Connection Method gives you simple and actionable steps to help you build a Connection-Based Brand. With the internet at our fingertips most people do more research than they used to on choosing everything from a Doctor, lawyer, house cleaner, or real estate agent. What holds people back from choosing the right person is the fear of the unknown – not knowing much about that person. Having a great website, or the perfect logo isn’t enough today to make you stand out from the rest.

Kelsey helps you really connect with yourself, by digging deep on what makes you, you. Defining your ‘branding words’, 3 – 5 words or phrases of what defines you is the start to making you more ‘real’, and inspires a genuine connection with others.

For a copy of Kelsey’s book The Connection Method you can shop on Kelsey’s website or Amazon! If you or someone you know is looking for a boost in re-branding their image give Kelsey a call. Follow her on Facebook, and Instagram for some inspiring quotes, advice, and upcoming speaking events.

