Today on The 425 Show we touched on everything going on around the world with the – Coronavirus – COVD 19. Schools, restaurants, and local businesses all shut down around the World. My guest today, Theresa Callahan life coach with Managing Performance, and Retreats To Tuscany offered some insight on what her friends in Italy are experiencing, and how her own area in Bellevue is affected, during this difficult time.

Theresa puts together some amazing retreats in Tuscany, offering an opportunity to take time to pause, escape the frantic rush, and give you to time explore your creative self – which sounds pretty good right now! Through her travels she’s made so many friends in Italy, and gets daily updates of how the COVD 19 is affecting Italy and businesses.

As a long time Eastside resident, and an entrepreneur she knows the importance of supporting local businesses during difficult times. Over the past few weeks she’s watched her ‘second home’ – Italy inspire all of us, as they come together in such grace and acceptance, pausing, and take to their balconies at midday to honor their doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers battling the virus, as they are on lock down in their homes.

Inspired by her Italian friends, she’s taken the time to look inward and remember it’s important during social distancing to stay engaged. Not only with friends and family, but take the time to visit your local businesses, and see how you can help them. Whether you are stopping by your favorite restaurant picking up to-go orders, or buying a gift card at your local boutique your small contribution makes a huge difference.

I recently stopped in at my favorite store, Via Lago in downtown Kirkland to support my friend, and owner Chapman Fina, and I’m happy to say I’m the best dressed person in our house now! The trickle down affect of the virus is not only having an affect on businesses but even people like my dog walker, Jewlie with Heart Strings Pet Sitting. Everyone staying home, and cancelling vacations we forget how much that impacts them financially.

Theresa has encouraged people to get creative, utilizing today’s technology and offer online courses, and even virtual yoga! My favorite yoga instructor from Alive and Shine is getting on board the online classes so she can stay connected with her clients.

As we hunker down during this time remember it’s important to be thoughtful of your spending. Stop and think about where that money can go to help others. When things settle down and we return to ‘normal’, and you’re ready for the escape to Tuscany follow Theresa’s Facebook page. For more information on her online coaching courses visit her website.

