The 425 Show – Laurie Lamoureux

The 425 Show – Laurie Lamoureux

Laurie Lamoureux from Seamless Moves joined us today – and I’m so glad she did. Laurie is one of those people that you wish existed, and when you find out they do, live instantly gets better. Laurie’s company Seamless Moves is your one stop shop for...
The 425 Show – Debbie Page

The 425 Show – Debbie Page

Today felt like a long overdue reunion. Debbie and I have known each other for years, but it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other, so we had a lot to catch up on. Debbie Page, is a business coach for women, and her specialty is helping them keep more...
The 425 Show – Arden Clise

The 425 Show – Arden Clise

We brushed up on our etiquette today with the lovely Arden Clise of Clise Etiquette. She, and her team, have been helping people more comfortably navigate personal and professional situations for over a decade now. This topic is near and dear to my heart. I believe...